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1080P/2160P高清电影区 今日: 19 |主题: 18560|排名: 1 

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[1080p] 莫斯科2017 Branded.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2013-1-7 559708 星星点个灯 2023-7-9 09:26
[1080p] 飓风营救2 [未分级加长版] Taken 2 2012 Blu-Ray Unrated Extened Cut 1080p 14.2G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..25 HDCHD 2013-1-7 24322020 sueze 2024-3-16 22:22
[1080p] 除暴安良 The.Sweeney.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2013-1-6 1009753 星星点个灯 2023-7-9 09:30
[1080p] 恶灵入侵 The.Possession.2012.Blu-Ray.1080p.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.x264 beAst 10.8G attachment heatlevel  ...2345 HDCHD 2013-1-6 416802 星星点个灯 2023-7-9 09:32
[1080p] 飓风营救2 [美版 PGS中字]Taken.2.2012.Unrated.Extened.Cut.BluRay.1080p.DTS 11.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2013-1-5 12014350 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 19:45
[1080p] 顺从/服从 Compliance.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS WiKi 7.95G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2013-1-5 769455 max11681168 2024-5-3 23:49
[1080p] 终结者四部曲 [终极高参压制/国/粤/英]Terminator.Quadrilogy.1984-2009.BluRay.1080p attachment heatlevel  ...23456..52 HDCHD 2013-1-5 51929104 bassling 2023-9-3 21:29
[1080p] 海豹六队: 突袭奥萨马本拉登 Seal Team 6 The Raid on Osama Bin Laden 2012 1080p attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2013-1-5 8711619 kwfe520 2023-9-22 00:43
[1080p] 龙骑士 [国粤英三语/原盘SUP字幕]Eragon 2006 BluRay 1080p DTS-HD MA 5.1 x264 12.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2013-1-4 7210448 快乐垂钓 2024-2-19 20:09
[1080p] 送报男孩/赤裸关系 [妮可·基德曼]The.Paperboy.2012.BluRay.1080p.AC3.x264 CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2013-1-4 6610903 744401234 2023-10-28 00:36
[1080p] 恶女罗曼死 Helter.Skelter.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 10.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2013-1-1 639796 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 19:33
[1080p] 街角凶宅 House.at.the.End.of.the.Street.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 10.8G attachment heatlevel  ...234 HDCHD 2012-12-31 315122 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 19:32
[1080p] 完美计划 Best.Laid.Plans.2012.Blu-Ray.1080p.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.x264 6.9G attachment heatlevel  ...2345 HDCHD 2012-12-31 447172 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 19:30
[1080p] 危险关系 [国/粤语][简繁英字幕]Dangerous.Liaisons.2012.BluRay.1080p.x264 CHD 9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2012-12-30 7210936 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 19:28
[1080p] 新特警判官 [2012年度最强悍科幻犯罪动作B级大片]Dredd 2012 BluRay 1080p DTS 10G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2012-12-30 15819480 120228111 2024-3-18 15:50
[1080p] 犀利人妻最终回:幸福男.不难 The Fierce Wife Final 2012 BluRay 1080p DTS 7.3G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2012-12-28 799720 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 18:41
[1080p] 绝代艳后 Marie Antoinette 2006 FRE Blu-Ray 1080p DTS-HD MA 5.1 x264 14G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2012-12-28 589321 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 18:40
[1080p] 新特警判官/超时空战警 Dredd.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS 6.53 attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 cococloudy 2012-12-28 446720 yxyhaq 2024-1-10 23:02
[1080p] 六年之痒 [繁简SUP字幕] Lovers.of.6.Years.2008.BluRay.1080p.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.x264 9G attachment heatlevel  ...234 HDCHD 2012-12-27 345422 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 18:35
[1080p] 再造战士4 Universal Soldier 4 Day of Reckoning 2012 Blu-Ray 1080p DTS 9.1G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2012-12-27 538190 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 18:34
[1080p] 蔚蓝深海/深海迷情(台) The.Deep.Blue.Sea.2011.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...2345 HDCHD 2012-12-26 466534 君不见 2023-12-8 14:11
[1080p] 恐惧/惊悚/致命的危机 [繁体PGS中字] Fear.1996.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 12G attachment heatlevel  ...23 HDCHD 2012-12-26 294766 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 18:30
[1080p] 挑情宝鉴 Untold.Scandal.2003.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 10G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2012-12-26 9313554 故亊 2023-12-7 19:52
[1080p] 赤裸特工 (未删减版) [国粤英三语] Naked Weapon 2002 BluRay 1080p x264 11.3G attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..30 HDCHD 2012-12-26 29930041 max11681168 2024-3-16 21:00
[1080p] 总有骄阳 [国英双语] The Cider House Rules 1999 Blu-Ray 1080p 2Audio DTS HD 14G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2012-12-25 597575 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 17:41
[1080p] 球来就打 [国语 繁SUP字幕] Viva Baseball 2012 BluRay 1080p DTS-HD MA 5.1 x264 11G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2012-12-25 536539 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 17:39
[1080p] 耶稣受难记 [高参码压制] The Passion of the Christ 2004 1080p BluRay x264 DTS 13G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2012-12-25 9313976 huli0203 2024-1-31 19:26
[1080p] R2B:回到基地 Soar.Into.the.Sun.2012.BluRay.1080p.AC3.x264 CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2012-12-25 9010920 dong198208 2023-9-16 17:30
[1080p] 逃脱/飚客找麻烦 Hit.and.Run.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23 HDCHD 2012-12-25 284499 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 17:34
[1080p] 力王 [国粤双语] The.Story.of.Ricky.1991.Blu-ray.1080p.x264.DTS MySilu 10G attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2012-12-25 10011197 sword11111 2024-5-3 21:42
[1080p] 科学怪狗 Frankenweenie 2012 Blu-Ray 1080p DTS-HD MA 7 1 x264 8.52G attachment heatlevel  ...234 HDCHD 2012-12-24 396238 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 17:30
[1080p] 太极2: 英雄崛起 [国语 PGS字幕] Tai.Chi.Hero.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2012-12-24 12015679 yangjw 2023-11-18 13:13
[1080p] 太极1: 从零开始 [国语 PGS字幕] Tai.Chi.0.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 7.92G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2012-12-24 9713102 yangjw 2023-11-18 13:11
[1080p] 贝多芬小姐的启蒙 The.Opening.of.Misty.Beethoven.1976.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 10.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2012-12-24 6711562 nightbible 2023-10-13 20:34
[1080p] 春夏秋冬又一春 Spring.Summer.Fall.Winter.and Spring.2003.BluRay.1080p DTS 10.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2012-12-24 628066 ahei1984 2024-4-26 21:53
[1080p] 摇滚校园 The.School.of.Rock.2003.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 13G attachment heatlevel  ...2345 HDCHD 2012-12-24 477366 book21 2024-2-2 18:31
[1080p] 巴菲的奇妙命运 [高分片] Barfi.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 14G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2012-12-24 527434 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 16:34
[1080p] 贝城亡命之徒 The.Baytown.Outlaws.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...234 HDCHD 2012-12-24 345303 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 16:32
[1080p] 叛谍追击/关键追击 The.Expatriate.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2012-12-24 597948 星星点个灯 2023-7-8 16:30
[1080p] 2012世界末日 [高码收藏版] 2012 2009 RERiP 1080p BluRay x264 DTS WiKi 21G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..41 HDCHD 2012-12-24 40031192 wdbjdg 2024-5-28 06:33
[1080p] 2012世界末日 [10bit版本] 2012 2009 1080p BluRay x264 10bit WiKi 16G attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..21 HDCHD 2012-12-24 20518628 超现实幻 2023-11-20 19:19
[1080p] 弃城/弃城Z-108 [国语 PGS字幕] Zombie.108.2012.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264 CHD 7.93G - [阅读权限 10]attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2012-12-24 651189 tsoutewen 2023-10-20 14:24
[1080p] 爱很烂 [国语 PGS字幕] Love.Actually.Sucks.2012.BluRay.1080p.x264 CHD 6.52G - [阅读权限 10]attachment heatlevel  ...23456..26 HDCHD 2012-12-24 2531522 七月iii 2024-2-3 02:14
[1080p] 一路向西 [国粤双语 PGS字幕] Due.West.Our.Sex.Journay.2012.BluRay.1080p 8.75G - [阅读权限 10]attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..49 HDCHD 2012-12-23 4808194 lsy 2024-5-27 09:46
[1080p] 一路向西[国粤双语] Due.West.Our.Sex.Journey.2012.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..49 cococloudy 2012-12-23 48732378 lyrobert 7 天前
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