在剧本与演员都确定后,剧组准备开始动工。要将这个故事的背景气氛─1940年二次大战时─完美地呈现出来,他相信他前一部作品《海上钢琴师》The Legend of 1900的班底,绝对有足够的才能做到。于是他找回了这批优秀的幕后工作人员,交付他们这个艰难的使命,包括艺术指导弗朗西斯可费杰利(作品还有《三轮车夫》《国王的娼妇》)、服装设计墨瑞齐欧米兰诺提(作品有《永远的爱人》、《浮生一世情》)、摄影指导拉吉欧柯泰(作品还有《心情故事》、《阳光情人 》)。
On the day in 1940 that Italy enters the war, two things happen to the 12-year-old Renato: he gets his first bike, and he gets his first look at Malèna. She is a beautiful, silent outsider who‘s moved to this Sicilian town to be with her husband, Nino. He promptly goes off to war, leaving her to the lustful eyes of the men and the sharp tongues of the women. During the next few years, as Renato grows toward manhood, he watches Malèna suffer and prove her mettle. He sees her loneliness, then grief when Nino is reported dead, the effects of slander on her relationship with her father, her poverty and search for work, and final humiliations. Will Renato learn courage from Malèna and stand up for her?
TAGLINE...................: Malena
GENRE.....................: Comedy | Drama | Romance | War